Endau Rompin - Run 2 (Y2013 Intro Trek)
Trek: Y2013 Intro Trek
Date: 1 -2 August 2013
Location: Endau Rompin, Selai falls, Pahang, Malaysia
Elevation: National Park
Duration: 2D1N
Day 1
Transport to Endau Rompin
Trek begins
Overnight camp
Day 2
Continue trek to Taka Tinggi
Transport back to SG
Firstly, let me thank all the participants (including gls and org comm) of both dates (25-26th July and 1-2 Aug) for participating in this intro trek to Endau Rompin. Due to the great response of sign-ups during SMUX camp, the 25-26th July trek was opened up. Although settling everything for the sudden opening of another trek 1 week before turns out to be stressful, but thanks to the help from the crew, EXCO and org comm, it turned out to be pretty successful.
Once again, thank you! Day 1
The trip started on the 1st Aug, 645am where the participants could be seen to be slowly gathering at the meeting point (outside pick & bite). Logistics were given to every group, briefing was given and we started boarding the vans at approximately 8am.
The van trip took 3.5 hrs and we managed to reach the office by 1130am. We had our lunch at the small eatery beside the office while the participants start to mingle around in their group and get to know one another.
After a slow lunch, we boarded the 4WDs and were on our way to our campsite. The trip on the 4WDs took approximately 75mins, but it seems that the participants enjoyed the wind and scenery. The campsite was reached at approximately 2pm and we set up the base camp and took photos while we await the arrival of the trek guides.

The trek started officially at around 245pm, where we were split into 2 waves, 1 wave to Takah Pandan, and the other to Takah Tinggi.

Takah Pandan Wave

Takah Tinggi Wave
Throughout the treks, we made a lot of friends with human and leeches alike.

One of the beloved leeches
After a few hrs, 1 for Pandan wave, 2 for Tinggi, we had arrived at the waterfalls. Due to the fast currents in Tinggi, we are unable to enjoy the water L, but we still managed to take photo of takah tinggi

Takah Tinggi

Takah Pandan
After a day of trek, we finally reached back to campsite and started cooking our dinner and after that a talking session among the whole group and celebration to our birthday girl.

B’day Girl
After that, all grps retired to their tents for 1) their bonding session and 2) a good night sleep.
Day 2
Everyone woke up at around 8am and started washing up and had their breakfast. Warm-up started at around 845am and we started moving off at around 9am for the wave that is going Takah Pandan today. However as the guide for the Takah Tinggi wave was late L, they only moved off at approx. 10am. Due to the time constrain, the guide decided to bring them to another falls Tempaang.
Takah Pandan

Takah Tempaang

After returning to base camp, everyone started, their wash-up and the tents were swiftly taken down. The 4WDs reached at around 130pm and we were soon on our way back to Singapore
However before reaching Singapore, we stopped and Taman Sentosa to have a sumptuous dinner there.

It was a good trip and everyone returned back to Singapore safely. I would like to thank everyone as this trek would not be so successful without you guys. I hope that everyone would remember all friends you made during this trek and keep in contact with one another. I am really lucky to be your OIC for this trek, I hope everyone enjoyed it and give recognition to the org comm and gls for the effort they placed in to make it enjoyable for everyone.
Thanks & Regards, Yeo Kaijun Contact Number: (+65) 9782 0763 Email : Kaijun.yeo.2012@socsc.smu.edu.sg / yeokaijun@gmail.com
Written by: Yeo Kaijun, Trek IC