Specifications [1]
Power: 80 watt
Weight: 200 g
Runtime: > 6 h on CV 270 Plus / > 12 h on CV 470 Plus
Campingaz Valve Cartridge CV 270 Plus, Contains 230 g Butane/Propane mix
or Campingaz Valve Cartridge CV 470 Plus, Contains 450 g Butane/Propane mix
Campingaz Gas Mantle Size S
How to light a lamp:
Check that your gas lamp is on level ground.
Check if your gas canister is correctly connected to the lamp head (tightly screwed)
Light the flame of your lighter
Turn the gas tap on
Changing a gas mantle
Flip open the metal cover and remove the glass sphere using a twisting motion.
Remove the used mantle piece and have a trash bag handy for convenient disposal.
Slip a fully extended mantle through the metal rod.
Replace the glass sphere.
Light the flame of your lighter.
Turn the gas tap on.
If lighting a mantle for the first time, allow it to burn on a large flame in a ventilated space until a steady light source is achieved. During this period, the mantle shrinks, turns white and becomes very fragile.
One way that the mantle works is that it contains the flame. This concentration of combustion near the mantle, in turn, improves the transfer of heat from the flame to the mantle, which gives off light. When the mantle has collapsed (i.e. its frame has large holes whereby the naked flame is visible), it is no longer as effective in producing light – a new mantle should be used.
Pros: Preferred by some as source of fuel can be doubled up as cooking fuel
Cons: Require some care in handling due to fragile glass sphere and chemicals on mantle
Skin might feel burning sensation after handling the mantle. Remember to wash hands thoroughly with soap before handling food.
4.1 Care and Cleaning of Lanterns [2]
A cleaner lantern works better and looks better. The benefits of regular cleanings include better fuel efficiency, flame control and no rust or corrosion.
Although there isn’t a set schedule for cleaning your lantern, you should clean it whenever it is dirty before storing your lantern at the end of camping season.
Under most conditions, lanterns can be wiped out with warm water and dishwashing soap and then dried before storing.
After cleaning, proper storage of your lantern is also important.
Put it into a plastic bag, sealing with a twist tie to prevent spiders or other insects from crawling in the unit, which can block the fuel and airflow.